60 Fifth Avenue
Room 442
New York, NY 10011

About Me

I am on the job market, looking for opportunities to apply formal methods and verification to real-world industrial problems.

I'm a Junior Fellow of the Simons Foundation and post-doctoral researcher in the Analysis of Computer Systems Group at New York University's Courant Institute, working with Thomas Wies. Before, I obtained my PhD from the University of Braunschweig, Germany, under the supervision of Roland Meyer.

My research revolves around the analysis and verification of concurrent programs. I am specifically interested in the automated verification of high-performance data structures. During my PhD, I have contemplated about the manual memory management aspect of non-blocking data structures and how to verify it separately. Currently, I am focusing on progressing the state of the art in automatic verifiers for garbage collected data structures.


  1. Arithmetizing Shape Analysis
  2. Context-Aware Separation Logic
    Roland Meyer, Thomas Wies, and Sebastian Wolff
  3. Realizability in Semantics-Guided Synthesis Done Eagerly
    Roland Meyer, Jakob Tepe, and Sebastian Wolff


  1. nekton: A Linearizability Proof Checker
    Artifacts Available and Functional
    Roland Meyer, Anton Opaterny, Thomas Wies, and Sebastian Wolff
    CAV 2023
  2. Embedding Hindsight Reasoning in Separation Logic
    Artifacts Available and Evaluated&Reusalbe
    Roland Meyer, Thomas Wies, and Sebastian Wolff
    PLDI 2023
  3. Make flows small again: revisiting the flow framework
    Artifacts Available and Evaluated&Reusalbe
    Roland Meyer, Thomas Wies, and Sebastian Wolff
    TACAS 2023
  4. Model-Based Fault Classification for Automotive Software
    Mike Becker, Roland Meyer, Tobias Runge, Ina Schaefer, Sören van der Wall, and Sebastian Wolff
    APLAS 2022
  5. A concurrent program logic with a future and history
    Artifacts Available and Evaluated&Reusalbe
    Roland Meyer, Thomas Wies, and Sebastian Wolff
    OOPSLA 2022
  6. Verifying Non-blocking Data Structures with Manual Memory Management
    ETAPS 2022 Doctoral Dissertation Award
    Sebastian Wolff
    PhD thesis, 2021
  7. Pointer Life Cycle Types for Lock-Free Data Structures with Memory Reclamation
    Artifacts Available and Evaluated&Reusalbe
    Roland Meyer and Sebastian Wolff
    POPL 2020
  8. Decoupling Lock-Free Data Structures from Memory Reclamation for Static Analysis
    Artifacts Available and Evaluated&Reusalbe
    Roland Meyer and Sebastian Wolff
    POPL 2019
  9. Reasoning About Weak Semantics via Strong Semantics
    Roland Meyer and Sebastian Wolff
    Principled Software Development—Essays Dedicated to Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, 2018
  10. Effect Summaries for Thread-Modular Analysis
    Lukáš Holík, Roland Meyer, Tomáš Vojnar, and Sebastian Wolff
    SAS 2017
  11. Pointer Race Freedom
    VMCAI 2016

Community Service

Artifact Evaluation Chair
VMCAI 2024; ESOP 2023
POPL 2024; TACAS 2024; VMCAI 2024; PLDI 2022; CONCUR 2021; ESOP 2020; FSTTCS 2020; Petri Nets 2020; APLAS 2019; ESOP 2019; FORTE 2019; NETYS 2019; TACAS 2019; CONCUR 2018; FoSSaCS 2018; ATVA 2017; CONCUR 2017; MFCS 2017; NETYS 2016; TACAS 2016
Acta Informatica; Computing; Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE); Science of Computer Programming (SCP)
Artifact Evaluation Committee
VMCAI 2022; POPL 2021; ATVA 2019
ETAPS 2023 Doctoral Dissertation Award Committee